Sunday, December 6, 2015

Erm, Hello!

I guess this is really happening, I'm starting my own blog. Yikes!
I've always wanted to do this, but just never really had the motivation to start. I've always been the type of person to have so many ideas and projects, but I find myself getting stuck on how to begin.

Here's a little bit about me..
I'm 28 years old, I live in Dallas (not going to say where). I work in a charter school, with Kindergarten, and I love it. I love kids, but I have none of my own. I really don't have any hobbies, but I love to play around with makeup when I have the chance. I have a really handsome boyfriend, I guess I'm partial to that. He's kind of my motivation for starting to blog. We've been together for over 2 years, he's my best friend and mento. Haha, my failed attempt to sound like Joey from Friends. I have the worst sense of humor. You'll be seeing some posts of our dates and little adventures.

I'm not sure how this blog will turn out, not even sure if anyone will end up reading it. But this is something I wanted to do for myself. I really just want to share my thoughts and love for beauty, even though I'm no expert. Along with my interest in fashion, personal favorites, and my obsession with Star Wars. So you'll be seeing a lot of those. I would start my own YouTube channel, I just don't have the confidence for that yet.

So stick around and see what kind of ramblings I have or what shenanigans I get myself into, it's just all a part of life as Mayra. (cheesy?)


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