Sunday, December 6, 2015


Hello again!
Heh, as if anyone reading this. If I do have readers, bear with me. I'm still very new to this, so my posts are going to be all over the place. Ha, kind of like me.

But yes, the dreaded Monday. I actually don't mind it. As I mentioned in my previous post, I work for a charter school and I'm definitely counting down to Winter break. (9 days!) Two lovely weeks of hibernating and catching up on Netflix, not to mention hours upon hours of laziness. My boyfriend, Ramon, constantly tells me that I was a cat in my previous life. All I do is eat, sleep, stay moody, and demand his attention. That could possibly be true, I LOVE cats. Sadly, we have none.

As I'm counting down for Winter break, I'm also counting down for Star Wars: The Force Awakens! Ahhhhh!! 10 days. I can't stop going over theories after theories. Where's Luke? Did he go to the Dark Side? Who are Rey's parents? I'm so impatient!! Either way I'm beyond excited. Me and Ramon are having a Star Wars marathon before we go watch the movie, even thought I wasn't too into the first three. As much as I love Star Wars, I actually won't be watching it December 18. There's something about opening night and crowds of people that just makes my anxiety rise. We're actually waiting a few days later to go watch it, a matinee for me is calmer. That way I can cry without having to worry about the person sitting next to me thinking that I'm crazy. Knowing me, I will cry of happiness and seeing all the returning characters. *sigh* Han Solo. 'Nuff said.

I'll leave you with the trailer, which I still tear up over.

Are you all excited about it too?

I hope you all have a nice week.
May the force be with you.

- Mayra :]

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