Friday, June 10, 2016

An Update and Some Facts

So it's been a few months since I've made a post. I was just crazy busy at work with taking on the role as teacher, I hardly had time to do anything. Especially in May, the end of year madness is very real. But these past few months have been so much fun, I got a taste of what it's like to teach a class of 24 little kindergartners. I'm very sad that it ended but very happy to have had that experience. So now that I'm off for the Summer, I have more time to blog and be as lazy as I want. 

I debated on what to post today, but I think I'll share 25 facts with you. So you can get to know me a little bit.

1. I just celebrated my 29th birthday back in May.
2. I have 8 tattoos, I have a few more that I want to get.
3. I have 7/16 size gauges.
4. I think I was part sloth or cat in another lifetime because I can sleep for hours and I just enjoy naps.
5. I love to cook. My dad was a chef for over 20 years and he's taught me so many things, so I love experimenting with food.
6. Me and my brother are much closer now than we were when he was younger. He's 11 years younger than me, but we get along great now.
7. I've never broken a bone nor been hospitalized. *knocks on wood*
8. I love going to concerts! We recently saw The Neighborhood and Florence + The Machine last month, they were awesome!
9. I love driving. The traffic sucks here in Dallas now, but I do enjoy driving around and running errands.
10. We've never kept a pet for more than a few months. Our last dog Billy escaped from our backyard only after a couple months of getting him, I really miss him. 
11. I don't really have friends, aside from Ramon (he's stuck with me). I have only a few number of people I trust, even then its enough to count on one hand.  
12. I procrastinate wayyy to much, it really should have been my middle name.
13. I don't officially have a middle name, but my parents would have named me Mayra Alexandra. They still call me "Ale" from time to time. And when I was younger, if I got in trouble I'd hear the full name. 
14. I taught myself how to play the acoustic guitar, I'm not very good at it. But I really want to learn how to play the bass.
15, As you know I have an obsession with Star Wars and makeup.
16. I met Conan O'Brien :]

17. I cry way too much now than I ever have when I was younger. Movies, TV shows, commercials, anything makes me cry now. 
18. I hate onions and bananas with a passion, I gag at the smell and sight of it. *blegh*
19. I really love the feeling of taking of my bra and flinging it across the room :D
20. I hate my arms.
21. I love to sing, even though I'm no good. I will sing to the top of my lungs when I'm driving.
22. I played the clarinet in elementary school.
23. I went to 7 different schools during my school life.
24. I used to be extremely shy. It wasn't until I started working with kids that I started being more outgoing and silly.
25. With that being said, I am extremely silly. I am constantly acting a fool and joking around.

There's obviously more to me but I just thought I'd share some random facts. If you'd like to leave me some randomness about yourself, feel free. I'd like to get to know the people who read my blog. I hope you all have a nice weekend. 

Until next time, 

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