Saturday, March 5, 2016

My First [hopefully only] Car Accident

*update: it's March and I meat to post this last month, ooops!*

Hello all!

Like I mentioned in my previous post, a few weeks back, I got into my first wreck back in August. It's been an emotional roller coaster but its FINALLY all done!  I'm in no way trying to sound like a victim or ask for pity, I just want to share my experience with you all. There are somethings I wish I could've done different, so if anyone is reading this maybe you'll get a bit of help in case something like this happens to you. *knocks on wood*

Things happen in life that you have no control of. Whether you're a great driver or not, accidents can happen but they can easily be prevented. I've always been a cautious driver, I'm not going to lie but just like any other human I have my moments of road rage, speeding. I really never thought I could get in a car accident, as cautious as I am. 

Back in August, it was the second day of school, I was pumped to get another year started. I was on my way to work that morning, I reached the stop sign that merges into a main street and I made my complete stop. I was about to go when I saw a school bus pass by, of course I couldn't go because incoming traffic have the right of way. In that second that the bus passes in front of me, a truck rear ends me, hard. It took me a few seconds to realize what had happened. I froze in anger, but the driver signaled me to pull forward since we were blocking the cars. I pulled forward, phone camera in hand just in case he decides to be stupid and take off. Luckily he pulled up right behind my car. Not only that, a cop pulls up right next to us. Thank goodness because I don't know what I would've done without him. Of course being the girl I am, I start crying. I was scared, I'd never been through anything like that before. He was a very nice policeman, he took down both of our info and checked on me a few times; he even followed me half-way home. He did tell me that it was that man's fault, he even told me his insurance company was shitty. I did take pictures of both of our cars. But I did make one mistake here, I should've taken the man's insurance info right then and there. I know everything happened so fast and I was in shock, but its very important to take the other person's information. [lesson learned] While his truck was scratch free, my little hatchback was fucked. The hatch door was pushed in, my back bumper was partially fallen. My heart broke, this is my first car. If only this idiot would've been paying attention, none of this would've happened.

When I got home I ran straight into Ramon's arms, I was torn to pieces. Seeing my car like that, feeling all these feelings, and experiencing physical pain were just too much. Good thing I told Ramon not to come over to where it happened, he was ready to kick some ass. I called my insurance company and filed the claim. This would've been where I should've called his insurance company and filed a claim with them instead, but luckily all his info was in the police report. My insurance company is just as shitty as the guy who hit me, they took forever to get back at me with updates, it would be weeks before I would hear anything. I had to constantly keep calling and leaving voicemails, and it was a nightmare driving my car... I was stuck driving my car for months with an annoying beeping every second because the door sensor was reading that the door was open. Driving and looking back at my rear-view mirror hoping that the bumper doesn't fall off.  Can you imagine driving in that?

I waited for about three months until I finally heard back from . They decided that they were going to take care of the damages and bill the man's insurance company, but they wouldn't provide a rental car for me. I would have to file a claim against his insurance for my rental, injuries, and loss of wages. 

As far as injuries, I was okay. I did have a neck strain and lower back pain for weeks, it was horrible. I don't have a specific doctor I go to, which was so hard for me to find someone to see me for the pain. No one wants to deal with accident victims and all the insurance paper work they have to deal with. So I just went to a Care Now clinic, where my medical insurance didn't cover my whole visit. I did have to pay out of pocket but I saved my receipts to send to his insurance. 

So I filed a claim with his insurance, and that was another few months of waiting as well. The cop was right, they are shitty!! They are like that person who says they're going to call you back and they never do. I had to request on three different occasions to change my adjuster because those bitches wont call back. It wasn't until I finally talked to the manager that things were starting to finally happen. What they decided to do was provide a rental car for me as long as I pick one of their body shops to repair my car, as well as provide me with a check covering bodily injuries and stuff. At this point I really didn't have any other choice, I picked one of their shops and went ahead to proceed to getting the rental car. Having the rental was another stress, my insurance doesn't cover rentals so I had to pay for Enterprise's insurance. $12 a day! There was a stupid miscommunication with the shop and the rental department of the insurance company, that they told me my car was ready when it really wasn't. I had already turned in the rental, only for the the shop to tell me that they were waiting on a part and it was going to take a few more days. I was pissed! Luckily Ramon would be off the next two days that we could do without the rental. It took the shop another week and a half to make the finishes on my car and get it back to me.

I picked up my car this past Friday, a weight felt like it had been lifted off of me the moment I saw it. They did a good job and they apologized for taking so long to fix it, so I'll give them that. This feeling of relief and sadness filled me as I was driving home in it. All that stress, all that drama gone. I hope to never feel that ever again, I don't wish that kind of stress on anyone.  I learned a lot from this experience. Heaven forbid that this happens again, but now I know what I'd do differently. Thankfully I'm okay and this is all settled. I'm very thankful to have had the Ramon's support though all of it, he was my rock. I don't know how I would've dealt with everything if he hadn't been there for me. I'm pretty sure it was just as stressful for him as it was for me, but I'm very grateful to have had him by side. 

Hopefully none of you have to deal with anything like this, but if life happens to you, now you have some insight on what to do and what to possibly expect. If you have any questions on anything like this or if you'd like advice, feel free to ask me. Now that this is done with, I have more time to blog :]

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